

こんにちは、GLOBAL ROUNDへようこそ。代表取締役(CEO)野田です。

私たちGLOBAL ROUNDは品質と革新へのこだわりを原動力に、日本の素晴らしい食品、飲料を国内だけに留まらず国境を越えて提供したいと考える、コーヒー/飲料/食品のプロフェッショナル集団です。


“GLOBAL ROUND”の社名はWBC(World Baseball Classic)に由来します。

日本の侍達が躍動し、日本中が熱狂したあの決勝ラウンド、アメリガ決戦の地”から取りました。単に野球好きが集まった会社なのですが、KEY WORDはやはり海外で勝負したいという思いです。





GLOBAL ROUNDは様々な経験を持つ社員が集まった小さな会社ですが、お客様のどんな小さなビジネスでもその思いを形にし、実現することを願い、原料からデザイン、製品化まで一貫したサポートとご提案ができることが私たちの最大の強みです。


“Hello, I am Eri Noda. Welcome to GLOBAL ROUND Corporation. It is with great enthusiasm that I share with you our vision and mission. At GLOBAL ROUND, we are dedicated to delivering the finest Japanese foods and beverages to the world, driven by our commitment to quality and innovation. GLOBAL ROUND Corporation is a professional team in the coffee, beverage, and food industries, dedicated to delivering the finest Japanese foods and new values beyond domestic borders.

While there are many companies exporting Japanese foods, our mission is to create innovative products that meet customer demands and to share them from Tokyo with the world.

The name “GLOBAL ROUND” is inspired by the World Baseball Classic (WBC). It reflects the decisive final rounds in America, where the Japanese samurai captivated the nation with their dynamic performance. Although we are a company of baseball enthusiasts, our key motivation is to take on the world and compete internationally.

We have designed our logo to feature a globe and a surfboard. This logo embodies two important values that I hold dear. The globe represents
“GLOBAL” and symbolizes our commitment to connecting and growing beyond borders. Additionally, I started surfing in my 50s, and it made me realize the beauty of becoming one with nature. I cherish the spirit of surfing both in life and in business. The surfboard symbolizes the courage and flexibility to face challenges and catch new waves.

My background includes extensive experience in international sales for major food (beverage) companies and coffee companies, physically conducting business in various counties with a focus on products and Japanese goods. Our co-representative also has a long history with major coffee employees with diverse experiences. We are committed to bringing your business ideas, no matter how small, to life. Our greatest strength lies in our ability to provide comprehensive support and proposals, from raw materials to design and product development.

If you have any requests in the coffee, beverage, or functional food (beverage) business, please feel free to contact us.